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Laser Engraved Hand Sketches

These beautiful objects were created from sketches drawn by hand, scanned then imported in to Inkscape and coverted to Bitmaps.  The files were then engraved and cut on 6mm clear perspex on the laser cutter. 

Jena Magennis

'I came to FabLab to assist in my final degree work at University of Ulster where i was using the lasercutter to assist in my experimentation and final piece. The main outcome of my work was interpreting my hand sketches and transferring these onto perspex, which were all to represent thoughts that I had throughout my final degree. Fablab provided the much needed facility of a lasercutter and assisted me in attempting to learn how to use the programmes and how to transfer my intricate hand sketches into appropriate media that the lasercutter could read. I also had the option of using wood as well as perspex.'