FabLab (fabrication laboratory) is a fabrication workshop which gives everyone in the community from young children through to entrepreneurs, schools and established businesses, the capability to turn their ideas and concepts into reality. Using open source design software and a selection of computer controlled machines, users can design and make almost anything.
Fab Lab is a place where you can make (almost) anything, it is open to anyone and everyone who has an interest in making things. We welcome novices through to experienced designers and engineers.
FabLab is accessible to all. We can work directly with school, youth and church groups, and also offer a number of programmes that encourage members of the public, irrespective of age, gender or community background to get creative and use the facilities within the Lab. Rapid prototyping and low cost on demand manufacturing offer commercial business and micro enterprises the ability to turn their ideas into working proof of concept models in a local setting.
Fab Lab Is fully accessible to users with disabilities.
At Fab Lab we have friendly and knowledgeable technical staff are on hand to assist you through the process of making your idea come to reality.
This video shows you some of the people we are working with, and the benefits of using FabLabNI