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ShopBot PRS Alpha
The ShopBot is a large scale computer controlled (CNC) milling machine/ router. The shopbot allows for the manufacturing of anything from furniture, artworks and signs up to buildings of varying size. Sheet sizes up to 1220 x 2440 can be accommodated. By substituting different bits, designs can be cut, drilled shaped and carved.
Using advanced technology for CNC cutting, the ShopBot PRSalpha delivers rapid transit speeds of 1800 inches per minute and cutting speeds of up to 600 inches per minute. Easy to configure and re-configure, learn and use, the PRSalpha CNC delivers affordable, full-production performance in digital fabrication of wood, plastic, foam and other materials.
What software can I use?
Any 2d or 3d design packages can be used for creating 2d or 3d objects for milling on the ShopBot. The image files can be created within the FabLab using Inkscape for 2d , SketchUp or 123d for 3d, or generated at home before you come to the Lab using any software package package that can export in a compatible file format .
Compatible file formats include:
- .dxf
- .eps
- .ai
- .dwg
- .stl
- .obj
- .dxf
- .3ds