FabLab Belfast is hosting a fix it club! Have a go at fixing and repairing your household and personal items with the help of the FabLab team!
-Are you tired of throwing away broken or outdated electronics and electrical equipment?
-Do you have something that is of importance or of value to you but needs to be repaired?
Why not come and learn about how you can repair your items and learn what they look like while you open them up. We will look at how the item was designed and you will learn what makes these objects tick. This will be open to everyone and we will be looking for some volunteers to help, especially people who can help others fix almost anything (most of us have someone like this in our family!) and we hope to make this a regualr event!
We cannot always promise a fix and this won’t always save money, but will give you more confidence in understanding how items are designed and how they work. For more information about Fix It Club @ FabLab vist here.