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Intro to Blender @ FABlab Belfast




About this event

Blender is an open source 3D animation software package, the software allows the user to not only create a model, but to texture it, and even animate it creating interactive 3D applications. These models can be exported to go into gaming engines such as Unity, or they can be exported as STL files for 3D printing.

It can be used for modelling, UV unwrapping, texturing, rigging, skinning, animating, rendering, particle and other simulations, non-linear editing, compositing, and creating interactive 3D applications.

This workshop you will become familiar with the User Display, the "make up" of each object created as well as the necessary hot-keys and commands in order to construct basic meshes and manipulate them accordingly. The participant will grasp the basics of creating a mesh, and adjusting it, as well as texturing it as well as rendering and exporting as different file types .

Skills Learnt:

Downloading and installing blender

Setting up the user interface

Getting to know the different modelling modes

Creating objects in Blender

This workshop is suitable for all ages 12yrs and upwards, 12-16yr old must be accompanied by an adult.

For tickets click the link below!

Click here for tickets!

FabLab Belfast


5 Churchill Street, Belfast, BT15 2BP


028 9075 5412


028 9035 1326